Despre noi
AEROSTRADA este societatea de consultanta lider in domeniul aeronautic, ce reuneste specialisti cu experienta indelungata in pozitii de middle/top management in sectoare de activitate tehnice, logistice, comerciale si financiare. Portofoliul societatii include activitati de consultanta business de tip managementul gestiunii, managementul stocurilor, managementul performantei, managementul calitatii.
AEROSTRADA desfasoara deasemenea activitati in domeniul distributiei de produse aeronautice.
Societatea este autorizata de Autoritatea Aeronautica Civila Romana cu licenta nr. C1-25/1996, care certifica functionarea conforma seriei standardelor ISO9001:2000.
“I would like to make a comment on the professional support given to our organisation by Aerostrada business consultants, during our 2007 aviation market review programme. The industry experience of the consulting team served useful and structured information to our top management, that helped Lukoil shape their strategy in the local aviation market.”
Mr. Vladimir Poliarush – General Manager Lukoil Aviation Romania
On behalf of Sun Aviation Romania, the leading aviation parts dealer in Romania, I would express our satisfaction for the quality management support given to our organisation by Aerostrada business consultants, during our multi-annual cooperation starting 2006. Throughout the period, Aerostrada strongly supported with expert advice and representation the process of our ISO9001 and Civil Aviation Authority Approval and continued conformance”
Mr. Bogdan Rosca – Executive Director Sun Aviation SRL